Tuesday, September 13, 2011

When I started I thought I'd have a nice clean agenda for every meeting and people who hail me as the next Mussolini ("He made the meetings run on time.") but, alas, already I have failed. Here are the topics that we might get to in our piddling 45 minutes:

Where:  Tracey's room, Room 118,  main campus
When: 8:15 am, Wednesday, Sept 14, 2011

Break up into three groups to develop goals for the year (9th, 10th, 11th) (55 min)
Sign up for books  (10 min)
Schedule benchmark tests; see that we have enough copies of all materials  (5 min)
Venting, general griping, suggestions  (15 min)
How we will handle dept meetings this year (Wednesday mornings and third Thursdays after school)

Who:  everyone (I hope)

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

August 31

Lisa, bless her heart, sent me a list of the numbers of copies of all the books. Look to the right and you will see the link.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

August 29

Since we have this blog now, and since many of you will have occasion to refer here for useful information, I thought I’d try to add one level of value to this site by telling you about interesting articles and events that pass my way.

I invite anyone in the department, who has something to say, to submit posts for our departmental enjoyment and education.

Today I wanted to tell you about an article that appeared in the May issue of the English Journal. It was by a college professor, William Broz, of University of Texas—Pan American. (You can email him at brozwj@utpa.edu). The article in entitled, “Not Reading: The 800-Pound Mockingbird in the Classroom”.

If I quote from the first two paragraphs of the article I think you’ll get the gist of his argument, and, also, get a sense of why I found his ideas so compelling:

Not reading, even for many good students, has become a mode of operation with respect to book-length texts assigned in school. Many students enter our secondary and postsecondary literature classes intending to not read the books we assign. If you think that most of your secondary literature students are reading the canonical texts you assign, you might have to think again….Many students {in my teacher education classes} have admitted to me…that in high school they did not read any of the assigned books.

Even though I already know some of the answers, I will say dramatically, ‘You are English majors who intend to become secondary English teachers! How could it be that you did not read the books assigned in English classes in high school?’ The main answer will be, ‘You didn’t have to. You could still get good grades.’

Then I will assert to them…If students do not read the assigned texts, nothing important is happening in your literature classes—nothing very important to develop your students’ reading and interpretive abilities is happening, no matter how many lectures you deliver, vocabulary words students, ‘learn,’ elements of fiction students define, quizzes students take, essay test answers students write, or films you show.

Then Broz drops his controversial assertion:

Students who can read and do not, have done nothing important enough to deserve passing grades in our classes, even if they have been present for every class period.

Knowing the details of the story or the theme of the work or anything else obtained from Spark Notes is nearly worthless, Broz argues:

It is the transformative ritual of actually reading TKM {To Kill A Mockingbird} that makes the book important, not knowing who killed Bob Ewell.

Broz then makes one specific recommendation to secondary teachers: use reader-response journals and small group discussions instead of quizzes:

As assessments of reading engagement, journals and discussion items are of much higher quality and more accurate than quizzes and tests that can be copied, guessed at, or passed based on not reading strategies.

He gives some specifics:

I require that reading response journals and discussion items include frequent page-numbered references covering the whole book. Journal entries made up of general comments, or retelling the story, that do not contain questions, quotes, and comments accompanied by page-numbered passage references and which do not cover the whole book, do not meet the assignment guidelines and are assumed to have been created based on not reading strategies.

Broz suggests giving students reading choices, sometimes pairing these student-chosen books with ‘canonical texts’:

Even in ninth and tenth grades….pairing the reading of a classic text with a young adult text….may help break the not reading cycle.

Broz suggests beginning the semester with an easier text or one by a local author so that students can find the enjoyment in participating in discussions and start the term with good grades.

Support students in developing their reading and interpretive abilities by inviting them to read any high-quality text, including popular texts, young adult texts, regional and culturally relevant texts, and texts in non-traditional formats such as graphic novels.

And he does not want you to make it easy on kids with low reading abilities by summarizing texts for them.

Even for poor readers, not reading, is a useless and counterproductive strategy….Differentiating texts and assignments is a better way of addressing differences in students’ abilities.

What if you schedule a small-group discussion and some students haven’t done the reading?

Students…obviously not prepared…need more reading time. {They} are not granted entrée to a book group. They read while the prepared students discuss.

What do you avoid?

1. Teacher-controlled talks about the book that inadvertently give students summaries of the story;

2. After-reading viewing of the film, which often tells students what to think about the book;

3. Overemphasis on literary terms:

Do not…let testing on ‘climax’ or ‘foreshadowing’ become an end in itself. Mature readers read to experience the book, not primarily to analyze narrative style or dissect inventive authorial moves.

Broz finished by repeating his earlier warning:

Are you sure {your} students actually read the books? You might be surprised if you knew how many do not.

Monday, August 22, 2011

August 22, Monday

We (sort of) had our first department meeting today in room 151 Korematsu at 1:50pm. Except that administrators came in and took over the entire time.
Mr. Morales first led us in some discussion of norms. We were rushed owing to the need to provide time for other administrators so we basically agreed to be nice to each other.
Mr. Wallbridge told us about pacing guides, which are being introduced to 10th through 12th grades this year. Tenth grade will have two companion classes. Mr. Chaja said ninth grade CST scores were up, which he attributed to pacing guides and companion classes.
Lucy and Jen agreed to mentor new teachers, so Mr. English and Mr. Sheridan will look to Lucy. Ms. Ford and Ms. Legakis will look to Jen.

I will be going around and trying to collect more pacing guides this week.

Next meeting is Thursday, September 20th at 3:30pm. I'd like to hold it on the main campus since we, I think, agreed to rotate the meetings between FTK and the main campus this year. I'll let you know where it will be.
There wasn't time to craft an agenda for the September meeting so if you have ideas please tell me!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Proposed agenda for first meeting

I know this might sound crazy but I've already started thinking about the agenda for the first meeting next year. I will be flying back to the Bay Area a day or two before school starts so I might not have much time to prepare. I'm guessing that the first day will be August 22. I'm also guessing that the morning will be a whole-school meeting in the cafeteria with dept meetings after lunch?
So if my guesses are correct then here's my guess about an agenda:
SLHS English Department
First Meeting of 2011-12 School Year

Room 108
1 P.M.


I Discussion of how we will run our meetings this year: 25 Minutes
· Would someone be willing to take minutes? We could use a laptop and create a blog for the minutes so that they could be available instantly.
· I’d like to have meetings in room 108 in the Main Building alternating with room 155 at Korematsu, but 108 might not be available and might be too hot. I’ll work on this and let everyone know. (108 for me is ideal because we can all sit close together but in a semicircle so no one feels left out.)
II New Teachers 20 Minutes
· From the rumors I’ve heard I expect we will have three new teachers next year. I’d really like to set up some kind of buddy system for any new people. Maybe each newbie would get two mentors or helpers? People who would agree to confer with them frequently and answer all those questions that come up (how do I get markers for the white board? Where’s the nearest microwave? Etc.)

III Book distribution 5 Minutes
· With pacing guides I’m guessing we won’t need to sign up for any book distribution? So I’m guessing we can dispense with this quickly?

IV Pacing Guides 25 Minutes
· No doubt there will be confusion about these. I’m not sure what problems will come up but I bet there will be a few.

That’s all I can think of for now.